Saturday, 3 April 2021


Andrey Slastyonoff was one of the earliest and best photographers I worked with, back in the nineties and for many years after. He was one of the few who did not just shoot girls, but made pictures

Here is the first set I bought from him. 


  1. Visiting DOMAI was always a pleasure, but a new Slastyonoff series was the biggest reward. His photos of Aneli were heartstopping, and I never tired of his sets of his wife, either. His art is everywhere, but there's very little about the man himself. He died a few years ago, right?

    1. Yes, that is sadly correct.

      I helped his wife a couple years ago to sell her charming "Slasty Dolls" on Etsy. It seems she does not make them anymore, a pity.

      I missed which one was his wife. ??


More Black Beauties

  By the way, how about telling your friends about this blog?  Eolake